

Legacy Update
Health equals wealth

5 things for

Pompeys Pillar
Our Newest National Monument


Poor planning can make you sick

Preventive Architecture challenges communities to consider the true costs of strip development, sprawling neighborhoods, closed or cheap, poorly designed schools, the wasting of precious resources in people, ideas, buildings, and environment, and the highway and billboard engineered mentality of our towns.

This "cheap" building program most towns are taught to adhere to costs communities in lower land and home values, reduced business for merchants, less closeness in our families and neighborhoods, continual dribbling costs throughout the years in higher maintenance and life-cycle costs, and a lack of spirituality that many leaders want to ignore but most people crave, yet have little understanding of what is missing or how to reclaim it. This vague notion that their world is too stressful and cold increases cynicism when coupled with a feeling of powerlessness to do anything to change it and the belief no one else cares.

Poor planning shouts across town to everyone, visitor and resident alike, "We don't care about you!"

Prevent unnecessary and wasteful redesign and high life-cycle costs. Money spent on planning pays for itself in initial costs of projects and dividends over the years in lower life-cycle costs, safer buildings, and a better community for you and your kids.

You can build your town from the bottom up, leave a legacy of a world-class building program, provide jobs and training, and show examples for your kids and grandkids to follow. Payoffs in tourists and publicity will never stop. You can become competitive, regain customers, and build on those successes on your terms, not big city terms. Start on a program for better health.

Together we can care for our health and our wealth.

See the director's contact page or e-mail jb@redfly.com.


Architecture  Building Research  Wellness Center 
    Transform your life, business and community.